
Cardinal tetra aquarium 4k
Cardinal tetra aquarium 4k

cardinal tetra aquarium 4k

The scientific name of Cardinal tetras is Paracheirodon axelrodi. As one of the most popular fish in the fishkeeping hobby, they are widely available in most local fish stores.Ĭardinal tetras live relatively long lives, generally between 2 to 4 years.

cardinal tetra aquarium 4k

Moreover, Cardinal tetra care is relatively simple and accessible to even the newest to the hobby.Ĭardinals are endemic to soft tropical freshwater habitats in Brazil, Venezuela, and Columbia. In a school, the Cardinals with iridescent horizontal stripes, provide a breathtaking spectacle that can vitalize any aquarium. what do you think? Please leave me a comment.The Cardinal tetra is a beautiful addition to a planted aquarium. You can also give them live food as a treat. The Cardinal Tetra does well on flake and freeze-dried foods. A water temperature of 72º to 82º Fahrenheit with a pH between 5.3 and 7.8 is ideal for these little ones. The more the merrier! Tank mates must be peaceful and not too large. Larger shoals are even better, so if you have place for 12 Cardinal tetras or more, definitely go for the higher number. Keep Cardinal tetras in groups of at least six. Floating plants help dim the light a bit, and that way your Cardinal tetras will spend more time out in the open. Cardinal tetras are generally not recommended for beginner aquarists, but if you really want to keep Cardinal tetras, monitor the water conditions closely.įor Cardinal tetras, it is always a good idea to include a lot of live plants in your aquarium as well as an open area for swimming. Cardinal tetra can handle 82º F to 84º F water temperature and in nature the two share similar environments. The best part Cardinal Tetras’ like warmer water temperatures, which is one of the reason why they are so often teamed up with Discus. You have to perform frequent water changes and be careful not to leave uneaten food in the water. Levels of ammonia and nitrite must be kept down. The Cardinal tetra is particularly sensitive to nitrate.

Cardinal tetra aquarium 4k